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     then why can't I paint you?

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以下是我下午打開 iPod,以隨機播放跑出來的歌單,哪些人、哪種歌佔比最大好像還挺清楚的。但可怕的是,我今早在家以 iTunes 播放、出門時聽 iPod 以及下午的實驗,都出現了陳奕迅的 Shall We Talk,這下是什麼意思?

註:iPod 是 8G 的 iPod Nano。歌單是出國(三月)前灌進去的,回國之後只 update 了一些新歌。

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2007.3.20 攝於復活節島


百分之八十完美的日子   by 陳綺貞

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cheerchou 發表在 痞客邦 留言(36) 人氣()

  • Aug 06 Mon 2007 13:20
  • 密碼文章 游泳

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  • Aug 05 Sun 2007 01:48
  • 30.5

很快地,30 歲這一年就過了一半。
30 剛過的他說,回首過去這一年,
有一種 Nothing happened 的憂傷感覺。
於是,前幾天在跟剛踏入 30 的葛大祝壽時,

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旅程的尾聲,在不思議的馬德里獲得西班牙友人Gabriel惠贈海鮮飯鍋一枚(this is a long story),並且他女友Alicia親授製作要領,當時誇下了海口說回國要演練西班牙海鮮飯,並拍照寄給他們以資證明。想想,轉眼回國也快兩週了,這個海鮮飯好像快石沉大海了,不如就趁著咱家廚房總管二老不在的日子,趕緊來開火試做個西班牙海鮮飯。


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我有個習慣是跟我姊學的,就是出國都會買個四隻成一套的東西,回來引起四個姐妹兄弟之間的戰爭。這次的主角是這四隻來自智利Punta Arenas的毛線企鵝,(請參閱前文Punta Arenas Rocks & Sucks),奇蹟似地在平和之中,完成了一人一隻的分贓動作。

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I didn´t know about Wolrd´s New 7 Wonder event before I went abroad. But I have already been to Easter Island in Chile and Machu Picchu in Peru. And I almost wen to Chitzen Itza in Mexico. Now I am in Granada, Spain. and I just went to Alhambra Palace today, another New 7 Wonder candidate....

If you ask me which will I vote for New 7 Wonder. I would say Easter Island. But I just voted for Alhambra yesterday in the street. Because someone is giving away free key rings and all you have to do is press a button on a computer screen. So, I did it...... shameless me.

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Safin : Wanna buy me dinner?

I can hardly afford a meal at Wimbledon, Safin says

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London has a beautiful eye,
shining only late in the night.

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Ms. Pinky @ London told me that I should update my blog, but I am lazy now. Maybe New York - Atlanta - London is the most relaxing time during this trip. It feels nice and easy to have friends in these cities to show me around. so, since I am not in big trouble, I don't have things to blog. (but I am not asking for trouble, dear God.)

As the journey is coming to an end, it seems time pass by faster and faster. soon i will be Back in Taiwan (in 3 weeks). so, if I do not update my blog too often, just be patient everybody. if you do really need to find things to do on my blog, I can suggest you guys to read some old articles, or check out my friends' blogs. I think you will find something really interesting and fun fro these three weeks.

so, Happy Dragon Boat Festival and see you all very soon!!

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Dear all, I didn’t expect that I will raise so much money for shopping. I thought it will only be 1,000 – 3,000. but after 3 days, I got totally 10,150 NTD for shopping…. (if I knew it’s so easy to make money, I didn’t need to work so hard. Haha…. ) Anyway, thanks for your supporting, but due to this AMOUNT, it causes some problems as well, so I need to make things clear here.

  1. those who didn’t say how much they want to donate and also I can’t find them to ask, I will only count 100 for you. And for those who wants to donate over 1,000, I can only count in 1,000.
  2. due to this huge amount, I think I might not able to buy all your gifts here (in Mexico). One reason is, I might not able to carry them around. And another reason is, even there are many interesting things here, but I would got all that I like and still have some money left. I don’t think you will like me to buy 20 same handicrafts for each of you, I don’t want to do that too. So, if I am not able to spend all your money here, I will try to do it in NY, UK or Spain. IF, I still failed to buy all your gifts, the gifts will go to those who left their messages first. Please see below to find the donation list. (Sorry, those told me on msn will only be listed last.)
  3. for those who I don’t see you a lot, or I didn’t even see you before, please keep your eyes on my blog and see when will I come back in Taiwan. If you don’t show up to ask for your gift in two weeks, I will give them to someone who really want them. (though I will not get the money too.)
  4. one notice here, things here are not really that CHEAP in Mexico, especially the good ones. but I only want to buy the good ones, so don’t expect you will get a BIG gift if you donate just 100. but for sure, I will try my best to bargain for you (and for myself too).
  5. just another notice. I mean it and I will find you to get the money. And also, there is no refund, so I hope you remember these rules here!

Have a nice day!!!


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Now i am in Egypt... NO, I am in Mexico, but there are pyramids in Mexico too. the most famous one is Chichen Itza. But now it's competing with MachuPicchu and Eatster Island... etc. for the New 7 Wonders in the world, so I think it's too busy to visit. Instead, I went to Teotihuacan, just 1 hour by bus from Mexico City, very easy going!! and it has two pyramids (sun and moon) and lots of temples to see!! so worthy, itsn't it? And guess what? it's not built by Maya, neither by Aztec!! so, WHO THE HELL DID THIS?! doesn't matter, check the albums please.

btw, there is a on site museum in Teotihuacan. it is totally as crazy as those INKAs. but they don't do much paintings, they LOVE figures!! check the album too!!

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yeh, you might not know where Uyuni is, but I bet you have seen a print AD of MUJI, in a totally white falt, a small man (actaully a local girl) stand in the great white. yeah, that's a photo taken in Salar de Uyuni, one the the most famous ¨must go¨ tourist spot in Bolivia now.

I have been to Uyuni and took a three days tour, but it was awful. we only spent 3-4 hours on the salt flat, and in the rest of the time, we were sittng in a jeep, driving from here to there in a great desert to see volcanos and lakes and volcanos and lakes. I felt so bored on the last two days so when I return to the small town, I took another one day tour only on the salt flat!! (I warned the agency seriously) and I even got a chance to see the sunset on the salt flat!!! it was amazing!!! the most beautiful sunset I've ever seen in my life!!!

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I met a dog looked very like 周多多 in Conpanaconde, Perú.

uploaded some other pics, checked out the album (cute girl inside!!) please...

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Dear all, it's Apr.13 in Taiwan now. also it means, it's officially one month after I took off on my journey. Some of you may think that travelling around is just fantastic, seeing different things, meeting different people. but after all, Pinky Lin knows me well. travelling alone for such a long time is really not an easy task. I even joked with Mancer that I envy you have weekends!!

yeh, you have weekends!! even you hate your job, all you have to do is bored yourself for 5 days and then it comes the weekend, then you can recharge yourself with these two days off. but travelers don't have weekends. after travelling for 5 days, you still have to find a place to stay, get something to do. it's not because I run a tight schedule, actually my schedule is quite loose. it's that when you feel tired of travelling from here to there, and you want to settle down for some rest, things go worse.

if I took two days off, doing nothing here, I would like to kill myself here. well.. maybe that's a little bit exaggerated, but I mean it. what can you do here when you have two days off? hanging out with friends? well, I don't have many here... watching TV? well, even if I got one I don't really get the joke. surfing on internet? yeh, when you are awake, your amigos are sleeping like pigs. all I can do is reviewing all the boring News on Yahoo! (yeek)

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