Dear all, it's Apr.13 in Taiwan now. also it means, it's officially one month after I took off on my journey. Some of you may think that travelling around is just fantastic, seeing different things, meeting different people. but after all, Pinky Lin knows me well. travelling alone for such a long time is really not an easy task. I even joked with Mancer that I envy you have weekends!!

yeh, you have weekends!! even you hate your job, all you have to do is bored yourself for 5 days and then it comes the weekend, then you can recharge yourself with these two days off. but travelers don't have weekends. after travelling for 5 days, you still have to find a place to stay, get something to do. it's not because I run a tight schedule, actually my schedule is quite loose. it's that when you feel tired of travelling from here to there, and you want to settle down for some rest, things go worse.

if I took two days off, doing nothing here, I would like to kill myself here. well.. maybe that's a little bit exaggerated, but I mean it. what can you do here when you have two days off? hanging out with friends? well, I don't have many here... watching TV? well, even if I got one I don't really get the joke. surfing on internet? yeh, when you are awake, your amigos are sleeping like pigs. all I can do is reviewing all the boring News on Yahoo! (yeek)

so, maybe I am just a little bit down here, maybe I am just complaining about what I've done to make myself difficult, or maybe it's just the bad influence of the black Friday 13rd. well... there are still three months to go. I WILL SURVIVE I PROMISE YOU!!

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