
acoustic soul s.jpg 如果說入圍就是肯定,India. Arie 的音樂人生一開場就「肯定」該倍感光榮的,但事實不然。2001 年她以首張專輯【Acoustic Soul 靈魂原味】入圍七項葛萊美,就一個新人來說已經是難得的殊榮了,但好死不死跟 Alicia Keys 撞期、同年出道。而 Alicia Keys 的處女大碟【Songs In A Minor 未成年之歌】入圍八項,讓 India. Arie 當場略遜一籌。更慘的是,因為兩人路數相近,幾乎都入圍同樣項目,可以說讓 Alicia Keys 勇抱五座大獎的幕後推手,就是含淚槓龜、空手而回的 India. Arie。

雖然2002年 India. Arie 仍然以【Voyage To India】專輯及「Little Things」單曲在葛萊美抱回兩獎,但反觀如今 Alicia Keys 現在已經穩居 R&B 一線天后地位,India. Arie 卻乏人問津,就可以知道小時候胖真的也很重要。

也就因為這樣的因緣際會,台灣的聽眾沒什麼機會認識到 India. Arie 這個歌藝雙全的neo(classic) soul diva,更是錯過了【Acoustic Soul】這張經典專輯。回頭想想, Alicia Keys 的【Songs In A Minor】在我心中只留下「Falling」、「Girlfriend」、「A Woman’s Worth」三首單曲;但是【Acoustic Soul】裡頭,不管是節奏輕快的「Video」、「Wonderful」、「Nature」;中版的「Promises」、「Back To The Middle」、「Strength, Courage, & Wisdom」;靈魂況味厚重的慢版「Ready For Love」、「Beautiful」、「Brown Skin」都讓我回味再三。甚至,它的「Intro」這個才 50秒、向前輩致敬的 clip 都曾榮登告示牌節奏藍調嘻哈單曲榜 #14。有興趣的朋友可以點開每個連結聽聽看,真的是好聽不唬爛的。而如果有不滿意的同學,歡迎私下寫 e-mail 給我,好讓我寄一些病毒治治你的耳朵。

india arie vol 1.jpg 但是,之所以想到要介紹 India. Arie 跟這張專輯,主要是因為昨天半夜大逛 Youtube 時遇到這首「The Heart Of The Matter」。原先收錄在她【Testimony, Vol. 1: Life & Relationship】專輯中,後來也被選入慾望城市電影版原聲帶「The Heart Of The Matter」。說來羞愧,這首歌當初我是先在巴斯的網誌上聽到才回頭去追回來的,還真是一個不專業的粉絲啊。而 India. Arie 在這個 2007年 North Sea Jazz Festival 的演出中,混搭了 Rihanna的「Umbrella」,並且特別在空檔告訴觀眾,她在廣播上聽到這首 Don Henley(Eagles主唱)的歌,覺得心領神會、很喜歡,就拿來唱了,後來Don Henley 跟別人說,他喜歡India. Arie的版本更勝過自己的。的確,這首歌寫得太好、更是唱得我昨天嚴重失眠,嗯,but in a good way... I think.

"The Heart Of The Matter"

I got the call today, I didn't wanna hear
今天接到一通電話 雖然不想聽到這消息
But I knew that it would come
An old true friend of ours was talkin' on the phone
一個相識已久的朋友 在電話那頭
She said you found someone
告訴我 你有另一半了
And I thought of all the bad luck,
And all the struggles we went through
How I lost me and you lost you
讓我活得不像我 你也失去了自己
What are these voices outside love's open door
究竟是什麼樣的聲音 在愛情的門外
Make us throw off our contentment
催促著我們 拋開知足常樂的感情
And beg for something more?

I've been learning to live without you now
現在的我 試著過著沒有你的生活
But I miss you sometimes
The more I know, the less I understand
而我知道的事情越多 了解的就越少
All the things I thought I knew, I'm learning them again
曾經以為想通了的事情 如今都要從頭來過
I've been tryin' to get down to the Heart of the Matter
我一直努力 鑽研著愛情這件事的本質
But my will gets weak
And my thoughts seem to scatter
But I think it's about forgiveness
然而我想 那應該是一種諒解
Even if, even if you don't love me anymore
即使你 即使你 已經不再愛我

These times are so uncertain
這些日子 過得不怎麼踏實
There's a yearning undefined
And people filled with rage
人與人的相處 動輒得咎
We all need a little tenderness
How can love survive in such a graceless age
在醜陋的世界中 愛要怎麼存活
And the trust and self-assurance that lead to happiness
They're the very things we kill, I guess
是被我們親手毀棄的吧 我想
Pride and competition cannot fill these empty arms
自尊和競爭 不能填補空虛的臂彎
And the work they put between us,
You know it doesn't keep us warm
你知道的 那給不了你我溫暖

I've been trying to live without you now
現在的我 試著過著沒有你的生活
But I miss you, baby
但還是會想你 寶貝
The more I know, the less I understand
而我知道的事情越多 了解的就越少
All the things I thought I knew, I'm learning them again
曾經以為想通了的事情 如今都要從頭來過
I've been tryin' to get down to the Heart of the Matter
我一直努力 鑽研著愛情這件事的本質
But my will gets weak
And my thoughts seem to scatter
But I think it's about forgiveness
然而我想 那應該是一種諒解
Even if, even if you don't love me anymore
即使你 即使你 已經不再愛我

All the people in your life who've come and gone
生命中的過客 總是來來去去
They let you down, you know they hurt your pride
有些人讓你失望 讓你的自尊受了傷
Better put it all behind you; cause life goes on
但是請放下這一切 人生總要向前
You keep carrin' that anger, it'll eat you up inside
一直帶著這憤怒 最後只會被它反噬

I wanna be happily everafter
And my heart is so shattered
But I think it's about forgiveness
然而我想 那應該是一種諒解
Even if, even if you don't love me anymore
即使你 即使你 已經不再愛我

I've been tryin' to get down to the Heart of the Matter
我一直努力 鑽研著愛情這件事的本質
Because the flesh will get weak
And the ashes will scatter
So I'm thinkin' about forgiveness
所以我想 我該要諒解
Even if you don't love me anymore
即使你 即使你 已經不再愛我
Even if you don't love me anymore
即使你 即使你 已經不再愛我




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