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cheerchou 發表在 痞客邦 留言(16) 人氣()

是的,光陰似箭 歲月如梭,六十天咻一下就過去了。隨著漫遊行程到達中段,小的南美行程也即將告一段落。在接下來一週的亞馬遜之旅後,我就要飛到墨西哥去了。兩個月的時間雖然不夠生一個小孩,但是發生的好的壞的事情也夠多了。之前有人說,在經過這一段旅行之後,我應該會變成一個不一樣的人吧!但是我看,江山易改,本性難移。除非把我終身監禁在這南美大陸上,不然我看是狗改不了吃屎,牛牽到南極也不會變成企鵝。就像我雖然不想當死觀光客,但是我想我永遠也不會變成很厲害的背包客。但也無妨,總之走一步算一步囉 ...


cheerchou 發表在 痞客邦 留言(18) 人氣()

Hola Amigos! Yes, I just went to Machu Piccho yesterday and back. It was a wonderful day to visit Machu Picchu because there was lots of mist in the morning, and then it rained, and then the sun came up and the weather got extremely hot! You can experience everything in one day! Isn´t it wonderful?

And, yesterday I was the first one to enter Machu Picchu!! Yeah! Call me ¨Light of Taiwan!!¨

cheerchou 發表在 痞客邦 留言(15) 人氣()

see? I am so skinny now!!

dear all, it's a long time not updating my blog. now I am in Cuzco, the former Inca capital. and I will go to Machupicchu soon. but I will not go by Inca trail, because it's fully booked until July. so I will go by train.... being a tourist!!! yeh!!!

cheerchou 發表在 痞客邦 留言(12) 人氣()

watch out! art designers!! take some lessons from native americans!! I think they are just unique! you just can't figure out what were they thinking when they make these potteries, plates, and figures. they just have the craziest shapes and patterns on them! make sure to check out the album.

cheerchou 發表在 痞客邦 留言(6) 人氣()

have you seen how careful a penguin can be when it tries to cross the road? check it out!

PS : I really want to play Diana Ross' "do you know where you are going to?" as the background music, but I can't make it here....

cheerchou 發表在 痞客邦 留言(10) 人氣()

for those who don't like comedy, here comes the tragedy!  yes, if I didn't have a nice day like yesterday, I might have hung myself in the airport last night. 

Last night, I went to the airport in a van which has only one guest in it, yes, that's me! I felt myself like someone very important! Even if I paid 5,000 pesos for taxi, I might not feel as good as this! I mean, 2,000 pesos in a personal VAN?! but that's the last good thing happen in the night. 

I arrived airport about 12:30, and my flight is 3:35. so basically, there's no body around, not even LAN start to check in. so I took a nap in the airport. until 2:30, I finally saw the LAN crew out there, so I picked up my backpacks and went to check in. 

cheerchou 發表在 痞客邦 留言(9) 人氣()

I think Punta Arenas likes me! And it's not only for the penguins. Actually yesterday on the way back to the shore, I thought I might got killed by the got damn raft. I was not only so very sick, but also the waves were so strong that I thought it's going to break my neck. I had to sleep the whole afternoon to recover from the sickness, and until this morning I still can felt the pain in my neck. 

but things got different today, just when I thought I am so over CHILE for its expensive life. I had a very lucky budget saving day today!

Today is my city tour day, and Punta Arenas is not a big city so I just walked around. no sooner, I found a bus company, cost only 2,000 pesos to airport. I was planning to take a taxi because my flight is late (3 in the morning actaully) and most airport buses leave before 4 in the afternoon. so I think maybe Taxi will be a good choice. Although it takes 5,000 pesos, but it's still better than spend half day in the Airport. but now I have a better choice! 3,000 pesos saved. and it leaves 11:45 in the night. so I'll only spend 3hours waiting there. sounds OK to me.

cheerchou 發表在 痞客邦 留言(6) 人氣()

dear all, I am now in Punta Arenas, Chile (check the map if you really want to know where it is.) and I just took a boat trip to Magallanes Island to see the Magallanes penguins this morning. Those penguins are just as cute as they should be, and I was just as boat sick as I shoule be. I think, when you have to get up at 6 in the morning to catch the boat, and spend half hour in a crowded van and another 2.5 hours on a boat which is frequently attcked by strong sea winds, waves and the smell of sea lion's shit (the worse part), everybody will get that boat sick. well... at least as far as I can see. 

I did take tons of photo, but it's a pity that I didn't bring my USB connector with me, so I can't upload them photos here. maybe when I go back to Santiago, you'll see the photos (or even video clips!).

cheerchou 發表在 痞客邦 留言(4) 人氣()

I think Rapa Nui doesn't like me too much. I've got caught in the rain twice this week, and got seriously sunburned as well.... what an island!! but it's nice place I have to say. if you guys got any chance to come here, you must come!! before all the moais are killed by the acid rain!!

cheerchou 發表在 痞客邦 留言(10) 人氣()

Hey peolpe, I´ve safely landed on Easter island. it´s god damn hot here. and I´ll check around and come back to tell you what´s interesing here laters. but first thing I have to say, I don´t think I understand Spanish at all.... they´re talking so fast that I just can´t catch up.... T_T

cheerchou 發表在 痞客邦 留言(13) 人氣()

我的特色是,事情總到最後一刻才會搞定。也因此,每次出國都打包到天亮,已經成為一種很正常的事。我常默默在心裡叫自己「Last Minute Man」,結果連臨別感言也是在最後的最後才擠出來。所以說,幾乎在最後一刻才在狀況不斷的情況下辦完簽證,也是一種報應。



cheerchou 發表在 痞客邦 留言(5) 人氣()

親愛的朋友們,小的敝人在下我,即將於 3 月 11 日,自台灣出發,飛往南美三國(智利、祕魯、玻利維亞),北美兩國(墨西哥、美國),歐洲兩國(英國、西班牙),展開為期四個月的國際漫遊。


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cheerchou 發表在 痞客邦 留言(8) 人氣()

雷鬼節奏一下,除了「My Love Is Your Love」這絕對不會再是別首歌了,在小芭比的「Sing, Mommy!」聲中,惠妮回到舞台上了,她揮舞著雙手,帶著大家一起打拍子,但我想所有人都很難將視線移開不看她身上那件黑底花斑的洋裝。不過在舞台上看起來還不是最糟的,至少花斑的部分透過舞台燈還會反射出閃亮光芒,但是在電視大螢幕上就真的很像華納威秀的地毯了。


cheerchou 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

黑暗中,樂聲響起,我還在想開場曲會是啥,突然聽見惠妮的聲音:「If I told you that I love you, what would you say?」頓時全場尖叫。惠妮又來上一句:「If I told you that I need you, what would you say?」其實我們應該回敬「I luv you too. I need you too.」但已經不重要了,惠妮穿著一身白色連身洋裝,手拿白色麥克風(咦?跟阿妹撞Mic?)在我的位置剛好可以看見她快步上台,直奔台前開始這首「If I Told You」


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