Based on your birthday... You usually think before acting which makes your life quite easy. But you often are the one who give yourself a hard time by being paranoid. People might not truly understand you but you are really nice to be around. You are cheerful and friendly. Your Love, Still water runs deep, that's what you are. You always surprise others with your new character when you are in love. Your love trap often comes unexpectedly and your love life is full of surprises.
根據你的生日看來... 通常你會三思而後行,所以日子過得還算蠻輕鬆的。但卻會因為自己的偏執,把自己搞到快抓狂。也許大家並不真的了解你,但事實上你蠻好相處的,為人還算開朗友善。說到愛情,表面上不動聲色私底下卻暗潮洶湧,可以說是你的寫照。當你一談起戀愛,就會完全變了另一個人。戀愛路上的難關總是發生在意想不到的情形下,然而你的愛情本身就是一路充滿驚奇的。

Your greatest STRENGTHS... Witty and highly adjustable in hard times.
你過人的長處是... 機智詼諧,在逆境中有高度的調適性。

Your greatest WEAKNESS... Impatient, impetuous and quarrelsome.
你致命的缺點是... 沒耐心、莽撞、動不動就與人爭吵。

Jobs you should pursue... Teachers, lecturers, writers, announcers, investors.
適合你的工作... 老師、演說家、作家、播音員、投資家。


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