
MIKA 02.jpg

雖然沒有在 blog 上面正式推過,但是我必須說我對米卡的景仰有如滔滔江水綿延不絕,又有如黃河氾濫一發不可收拾,甚至一度想去把頭髮燙成那樣的捲度,但還好我的朋友跟他們的毒舌相當理智,讓我跟米卡的緣分僅止於歌迷的關係,但這並不足以阻止我繼續對米卡瘋魔。

對米卡的第一印象是在紐約的書報攤上看到一個刊物封面,一頭捲髮的 ”花美男” 配上一個 M-I-K-A 四個簡單到不行的字母組合,很容易就留下第一印象了。後來回國後,輾轉在巴斯的部落格上聽到「Grace Kelly」被配上了王卯卯的兔斯基表情符號,馬上就中箭了。隨著表情符號搖頭晃腦的時候,心中暗自驚呼天啊這神經病是誰?如果要不到旺福小民的MSN,又不想跟豪洨天繼續聯絡的話,不如就天天聽 MIKA 好讓自己不要變得那麼正常無聊的人吧!

是的,米卡就是不正常,不正常到差點就到了極點 ( 現任的極點是 Lady Gaga )。我當然不用在這邊介紹他的顛沛流離的人生故事,只是,他的不正常差點讓他飽滿的才華就被這樣搓掉了。事實上「Grace Kelly」這首歌大概就說出了他入行時被各大廠牌刁難的心聲吧!「I could be brown, I could be blue, I could be violet sky. I could be hurtful, I could be purple, I could be anything you like. Gotta be green, Gotta be mean, Gotta be everything more. Why don't you like me? Why don't you like me? Why don't you walk out the door! 」他既然可以變成任何顏色情緒表情態度,為什麼就不能繼續當一個不正常的自己?

MIKA 01.jpg

所以,心情不好的時候聽 MIKA 也跟聽 Avenue Q 一樣有精神勝利的療癒效果。

米卡自己說【卡通人生 Life in Cartoon Motion】像是童年,而【這個男孩想太多 The Boy Who Know Too Much】則是青春期。當然到了青春期就會有sex, drugs, rock n’ roll 這種很 69 、很 Woodstock 的元素參雜其中,而且人會長大,Grace Kelly 當然也不例外。如果要在新專輯中找一首跟「Grace Kelly」一樣在不正常的人生中尋找認同的歌,我個人推薦「Rain」。倒不是因為它的副歌雨一直下的時候也很適合搖頭晃腦,基本上米卡的本質就是讓你搖頭晃腦,真正原因我想你仔細研讀歌詞就會了解了。

倒是,網路上跟官方歌詞本裡對於副歌的歌詞出現了好幾個版本的解讀,有人聽出「when you make it rain, make it rain... 」有人是「when you let it rain, let it rain... 」還有人是「when you make them rain, make them rain... 」官方版是「when it rain rain rains, it rain rain rains... 」我個人是覺得都不無可能,但我聽的版本是「when it rain and rain, it rain and rains... 」我知道文法有點問題,但... 人都抹鏡熊啊,還管它文法咧!

僅以此曲獻給 即將提前退休的氣象局預報主任吳德榮



Is it really necessary
Every single day
You’re making me more ordinary
In every possible way

This ordinary mind is broken
You did it and you don’t even know
是你幹的 但你沒發現
Leaving me with words unspoken
You better get back cuz I’m ready for...
你最好快回來 我已經準備好了

More than this, Whatever it is
儘管來吧 沒在怕的
Baby, I hate days like this
親愛的 我恨透了這種日子
Caught in a trap, I can't look back
掉入陷阱 回不了頭
Baby I hate days like this
親愛的 我恨透了這種日子

When it rain and rain. It rain and rains
當雨下個不停 下個不停
When it rain and rain. It rain and rains
當雨下個不停 下個不停
When it rain and rain. It rain and rains
當雨下個不停 下個不停
When it rain and rain. It rain and rains
當雨下個不停 下個不停
More than this
Baby I hate days like
親愛的 我恨透了這種日子

Trying to be ordinary
Was it me who was the fool?
Thought you found the man you wanted
until you turn him into something new

Well even if our minds are broken
There's something that I need you to know
It's nothing like the life we wanted
You better move on, Cuz I’m ready for
你得往前走 我已經準備好了

More than this, Whatever it is
儘管來吧 沒在怕的
Baby, I hate days like this
親愛的 我恨透了這種日子
Caught in a trap, I can't look back
掉入陷阱 回不了頭
Baby I hate days like this
親愛的 我恨透了這種日子

When it rain and rain. It rain and rains
當雨下個不停 下個不停
When it rain and rain. It rain and rains
當雨下個不停 下個不停
When it rain and rain. It rain and rains
當雨下個不停 下個不停
When it rain and rain. It rain and rains
當雨下個不停 下個不停
More than this
Baby I hate days like
親愛的 我恨透了這種日子

(Spoken) I'm not angry
(口白) 我並不生氣
Don't know what to do
After all the years that I spent with you
I can't blame you for the things you say
I was using you just to hide away

More than this, Whatever it is
儘管來吧 沒在怕的
Baby, I hate days like this
親愛的 我恨透了這種日子
Caught in a trap, I can't look back
掉入陷阱 回不了頭
Baby I hate days like this
親愛的 我恨透了這種日子

When it rain and rain. It rain and rains
當雨下個不停 下個不停
When it rain and rain. It rain and rains
當雨下個不停 下個不停
When it rain and rain. It rain and rains
當雨下個不停 下個不停
When it rain and rain. It rain and rains
當雨下個不停 下個不停
More than this
Baby I hate days like
親愛的 我恨透了這種日子

When it rain and rain. It rain and rains
當雨下個不停 下個不停
When it rain and rain. It rain and rains
當雨下個不停 下個不停
When it rain and rain. It rain and rains
當雨下個不停 下個不停
When it rain and rain. It rain and rains
當雨下個不停 下個不停
More than this
Baby I hate days like
親愛的 我恨透了這種日子




同步推薦 : 卡通人生 & 這個男孩想太多

life in cartoon motion.jpg  the boy who knew too much.jpg 


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