因為閃亮一顆星 – 巴斯大點兵,於是要來串連POST本人最愛噎蛋曲。此消息一出,一天內大概有200首噎蛋曲來應徵,可說是盛況空前。但在經過我三挑四檢後,還是遲遲無法決定,究竟是要選【John Lennon – Happy Xmas(War is Over)】呢?還是【旺福 – 魯道夫的復仇】呢?或者【Ella Fitzgerald – Jingle Bells】呢?或是最近很火的轉寄信【台語版聖誕老阿伯】呢?就在這無法決定的當下,突然天空打下一道耶穌光,耶穌自己來開示了!我順著耶穌光的方向看過去:「驀然回首,那人就在燈火闌珊處。」




I Go to The Rock  我去嗑藥   (中譯詞:Suzanne Xiao)

Where do I go when there's nobody else to turn to?
該何去何從? 沒有人甩我了
Who do I talk to when nobody wants to listen?
有什麼好說的? 說了也沒人聽
Who do I lean on when there's no foundation stable?
靠誰好呢? 靠山山倒 靠人人跑
I go to the rock. I know He's able. I go to the rock
嗑藥最好 我知道它最有效 快點來嗑藥

I go to the rock for my salvation
需要救贖的時候 我就去嗑藥
I go to the stone that the builders rejected
越是沒人嗑的 我越要
I run to the mountain and The Mountain stands by me
藥頭永遠跑不了 藥頭對我最好
When the earth all around me is sinking sand
On Christ, the solid rockI stand
喔 老天爺啊 還好我有嗑藥
When I need a shelter, when I need a friend
需要人保護 需要朋友的時候
I go to the rock

Where do I go, where do I go, when the storms of life are threatening?
該何去何從? 何去何從呢? 經紀人牛皮快吹破
Who do I turn to when those winds of sorrow blow?
還有誰能依靠? 記者奪命連環扣
And is there a refuge in the time of tribulation?
I go to the rock. I know He's able, I go to the rock
我只好去嗑藥 我知道它最有效 快點來嗑藥

I go to the rock for my salvation
需要救贖的時候 我就去嗑藥
I go to the stone that the builders rejected
越是沒人嗑的 我越要
I run to the mountain and The Mountain stands by me
藥頭永遠跑不了 藥頭對我最好
When the earth all around me is sinking sand
On Christ, the solid rock I stand
喔 老天爺啊 還好我有嗑藥
When I need a shelter, when I need a friend
需要人保護 需要朋友的時候
I go to the rock

I go to the rock (repeat 4x)
我愛嗑藥 (連嗑四次)
You can go to the rock (repeat 4x)
你也來嗑藥 (連嗑四次)
Oh I can go, I go to the rock (repeat 8x)
喔~ 我愛 我愛嗑藥 (再嗑八次)
When the earth all around me is sinking sand
On Christ, the solid rock I stand
喔 老天爺啊 還好我有嗑藥
When I need a shelter, when I need a friend
需要人保護 需要朋友的時候
I go to thr rock


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